S e e i n g Nicola Marc’s w onderful hom e in the August issue,
"Change o f Place,” inspired me to paint the antique coffee table in
m y living room red. I was very pleased w ith the punch o f color and
how it showed o ff the detailed carving. Thanks, BHG!
Meike McDonald, Charleston, SC
W h en m y
September BHG
arrived, it was the continuation of a
family tradition that’s now two
generations old. As I enjoy the warm
feeling of connection, I also marvel
how you manage to stay just ahead of
the times and trends, whatever they
may be. This month, tips on brain
foods go on the refrigerator, an ad
with a juicy coupon for something
new for the wardrobe gets clipped,
and the how-to on decorating with
Indian corn I pass on to my fellow
workers at a CSA farm. The rest of
the magazine? Saved!
Andrea Zinga, Coal Valley, IL
I w as happy
to see your
September color story “Moss Green.”
I wanted to update the cranberry red
walls in our living room/dining
room/kitchen with a soft brown, but
my daughter Amy, a recent Berkeley
grad and aspiring interior designer,
suggested moss green, too. I thought
it would feel cold, but it’s a soothing
and warm color that looks great with
Jan Lee Fechter, Napa Valley, CA
A note
of caution to those who try
pro organizer Peter Walsh’s
“Trashbag Tango” idea to purge
clutter (September Calendar/A
Month of Decluttering): I tried this
once and mixed up the bags, tossing
the good and keeping the bad. Now I
use clear trash bags for sorting
proj ects with happy results.
Julia Callahan Streit, Dobbs Ferry, NY
A fter reading
“Build a Better
Sleep” and the accompanying “The
Matter of Mattresses” in the August
issue, I bought the Isotonic Iso-Cool
Mattress Pad. I had had excruciating
back pain for weeks, and it was
totally gone after three days on the
new pad. Great article. Great result.
Barbara A. Hare, Independence, MO
I fell in love
with the beautiful
dog pictured in August’s “Local
Flavor.” Do you know the breed?
Charlotte Petrie
So did many other readers, Charlotte.
It’s a Labradoodle.
Editor’s note: In our August letters, a
reader suggested that Milorganite
should not be applied to vegetable
gardens. However, Milorganite is
approved for use on vegetable gardens
in the U.S. and Canada.
page 32
of the September 2009
issue, we published an erroneous price for the
Kodak ESP 7 printer. Here is the correct listing:
Kodak ESP
7 All-in-One Printer, $199.99; kodak.com
W e a s k e d : H o w
h a v e y o u
r e in v e n te d s p a c e s
t o m a k e lif e b e tte r?
Space is tight fo r a family o f four
living in a three-bedroom duplex.
We moved my wife's dresser tw o
feet to one side, allowing us to
place a rocking chair in the
bedroom corner. Voila! Instant
reading spot, away from the
sound o f the TV downstairs.
Tim McGee, Mansfield, MA
I had a large table by the bed
in our basement spare
bedroom. I put a smaller table
by the bed, moved the large
table under the window in that
bedroom, and now use it fo r my
sewing table. Plenty o f room fo r
my supplies and plenty o f light,
which meant I could finally finish
sewing the binding on a quilt—
it's now proudly displayed on
the spare bed.
Bonnie Oswald
Charlotte Court House, VA
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